Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg
Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg
Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg
Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg
Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg
Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg
Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg
Floor leveller PCI USP 32® 25kg

PCI USP 32 25kg est un composé de nivellement à usage multiple PCI USP 32 est une base parfaite pour faire une surface idéale et solide pour poser dessus n'importe quel matériau de finition, par exemple des carreaux, des panneaux de sol ou un sol en vinyle. En outre, il consolide et réduit la consommation de colle pour les carreaux ou autres matériaux de finition.

PCI USP 32 peut être utilisé pour réaliser des couches de 0,5 à 15 mm d'épaisseur. Par rapport aux produits concurrents, il se caractérise par un temps de durcissement très court - après seulement 3 heures, la surface peut être piétinée et carrelée. Le niveleur peut être utilisé aussi avec le chauffage au sol.

PCI USP 32 consomme environ 1,6 kg de poudre par m² et mm d'épaisseur de couche, donc avec un sac de 25kg il peut couvrir jusqu'à 15 m².

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Features and benefits:

  • Pumpable by machine, therefore highly efficient.
  • Self levelling, can therefore be applied with little effort.
  • Rapidly curing, can be walked on and tiled after 3 hours (at +23°C and 50% relative humidity).
  • Smooth surface with few pores, can therefore directly be covered.
  • Dust reduced, low development of dust when opening the bag, pouring and mixing the product.
  • Very low emission, GEV-EMICODE EC 1 R.

Fields of application:

  • For indoor use.
  • For dry areas.
  • For levelling and surface repair of rough, irregular concrete floors, cement screeds, calcium sulphate screeds (also heated screeds) and unheated mastic asphalt screeds, ceramic tiles prior to laying top coverings such as ceramic and natural stones, PVC, textile, linoleum, parquet.
  • For layer thickness from 2 - 30 mm; on mastic asphalt screeds 2 - 10 mm.
Base du matériau
ciment spécial avec additifs
Composant unique
Taille de l'emballage
25 kg Sac en papier doublé PE pour charges lourdes stock no. 3680/8
Durée de conservation
min. 12 mois ; au sec et à l'abri du gel
Env.. 1.6 kg de poudre par m² et par mm d'épaisseur de couche
Température de travail
+5 °C to +30°C
Temps de désagrégation
env. 3 minutes
Temps de travail
env. 30 minutes
Praticable après
env. 3 heures
Capable de supporter du poids après
env. 3 jours
Qualité des matériaux de construction selon la norme DIN 4102
Densité apparente
env. 1.4 g/cm³
Épaisseur de la couche
2 - 30 mm ; sur les chapes en asphalte coulé des classes de résistance suivantes AS-IC 10, AS-IC 15 : 2 - 10 mm
Rapport de mélange pour 25 kg de PCI Periplan
env. 5,5 - 5,75 litres d'eau pour les quantités partielles :
Rapport de mélange pour 1 kg de PCI Periplan
env. 220 - 230 ml d'eau
Outils de mélange / unités de transport
bétonnière à action forcée
Peut être recouvert de carreaux de céramique
dès qu'il est possible de marcher
peut être recouvert de moquette, de revêtements synthétiques, de parquet flottant après la pose d'un revêtement de sol.
env. 3 jours à un taux d'humidité de 2 pour cent CM
protège PCI Periplan d'une déshydratation trop rapide pendant env. 12 heures
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Preparation of substrate

The substrate must be clean, dry, structurally sound, able to bear weight and free from any other residues which could impair adhesion. Remove heavy contamination and bond-inhibiting residues and/or surfaces by mechanical means (shot blasting, grinding, milling), residues such as oil and grease with PCI Entöler oil remover. Fill spalled areas and holes with suitable PCI repair mortars, seal cracks with PCI Apogel. The pull-off strength of the prepared area must not fall below an average of 1.0 N/mm². Preparation of substrate

Application procedure

  1. Pour cool gauging water for 25 kg of PCI USP 32 in a sturdy, clean and round (Ø approx. 35 cm) mixing container of appropriate height, capacity approx. 30 litres. Add PCI USP 32 and mix with a suitable paddle (e.g. from Collomix) attached to a high-speed electric drill for at least 3 minutes until free of lumps.
  2. Leave PCI USP 32 to stand for approx. 3 minutes and remix briefly.
  3. In case of large areas up to approx. 300 m² use e.g. the Collomatic forced action mixer XM or apply by pump, e.g. with Putzmeister S 11 with in-line mixer, PFT G 4 with Rotomix, Swing L with forced action mixer Multimix or M-Tec Duo mix 2000. See "Technical Data" for further possible mixing pumps. Use the stirrer for flowable screeds when using the Collomatic forced action mixer XM. Pour gauging water in a vessel, add PCI USP 32 and mix for at least 3 minutes.
  4. Pour PCI USP 32 onto the dry, cured surface. Spread mortar to the required layer thickness (from 2 - 30 mm) using a fine brush, surface scraper or float.
  5. De-aerate PCI USP 32 during the application using a spiked roller.
  6. Ensure a minimum layer thickness of 5 mm for a floor leveller with PCI USP 32 in combination with the armour mats PCI Armiermatte GFM and GFS! Pour PCI USP 32 onto the dry primer and the armour mats laid on top of the primer, spread with a trowel (do not use a surface scraper!), and deaerate with a spiked roller.
  7. Avoid exposure to draught, extreme heat and direct sunlight during the application and curing process - for approx. 24 hours.
  8. Ceramic coverings can be laid with PCI tile adhesives as soon as PCI USP 32 is walkable (approx. 3 hours at 23 °C and 50% rel. humidity). The suitability of other tile adhesives should be tested in advance.

Please note:

  • Do not use PCI Periplan at substrate temperatures below +5 °C and above +30°C.
  • Moisture rising from the substrate must be prevented by taking suitable measures.
  • Substrate and ambient conditions have an effect on the curing times.
  • Never add water or fresh PCI Periplan to reconstitute a mortar mix which has already begun to set.
  • It is important to adhere to the indicated amount of gauging water when mixing PCI Periplan. Additives are not allowed.
  • Take appropriate measures, e.g. the self-adhesive insulation tape PCI Pecitape Silent, to prevent PCI Periplan from overflowing into perimeter joints and expansion joints.
  • It is not allowed to exceed a maximum layer thickness of 10 mm when levelling mastic asphalt substrates with PCI Periplan. The mastic asphalt must be installed in accordance with the strength classes AS-IC 10, AS-IC 15.
  • The application of PCI Periplan in privately used wet rooms (without floor drain) requires a bonded waterproofing with PCI Lastogum or PCI Seccoral 1K/2K Rapid prior to laying the ceramic.
  • The leaflet „Ceramic tiles and flagstones, natural stones and concrete ashlar on heated flooring structures” issued by Deutsche Baugewerbe (Central Association of the German Building Industry) must be followed when levelling heated screeds with PCI Periplan.
  • Use PCI Periplan Extra to level wooden substrates.
  • We recommend to prime substrates with adhesive residues with PCI Epoxigrund 390 in two layers and sprinkled with silica sand 0.3 - 0.8.
  • Clean tools, machines and mixing equipment with water immediately after use; once cured the product can no longer be removed with water.
  • Suitable tools are available from e.g. Collomix GmbH, Horchstraße 2, 85080 Gaimersheim/Germany, www.collomix.de.
  • Store in dry conditions, no permanent storage over +30°C.
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